Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well it is finally here:  The arrival of my very own blog. Although it pained me to join the dorky ranks of the web logger, there was simply no way I could allow the lesser brother to continue to dominate the online spotlight.  Today at my cousin Matthew's Bar Mitzvah (he did a fantastic job), Andrew predicted that I wouldn't even update, so here is my first post, several days before my arrival in Syria.  Suck on that, AJ!

Good news came from a contact in Damascus today.  A local who my uncle Barry graciously put me in touch with told me that she had several leads on both students and families that I might be able to live with for the summer.  This is especially welcomed news because browsing around Campmor today I realized that tents are way too expensive anyway.  

In any event, I am tired after an action-packed day filled with fist pumping and watching my 90-year-old Grandma, Charlotte, boogey with her great-grandkids.  I know what you are asking yourself, and the answer is yes.  Yes, the Bar Mitzvah dancers did grind on her.  Working the brunch shift at Ceol tomorrow in order to finance my various addictions.  

Some words of wisdom:

"Fortes fortuna adiuvat".  The english translation, "fortune favors the bold", may be more familiar.  Wikipedia tells me it is Latin (no surprise here), originating from a play called "Phormio" written by a feller named Terence.  I guess back in those days it wasn't tacky to use just one name.  Cher, on the other hand, has no excuse.  Later!